Is your CEO on Twitter? If not, it may be time to have him or her start using the social media platform. A new study from social media branding firm BRANDfrog found that 77 percent of consumers would be more likely to buy from a company if its CEO was actively using Twitter.
In the competitive market, determining why customers flock to one brand over another is still more art than science. Creative marketing campaigns and large advertising budgets are just as likely to hit or miss the mark with customers as grassroots efforts. The only tried and true successful strategy for gaining a positive response from consumers seems to be investing in initiatives that support listening to customers, which is why social media has exploded onto the scene as a marketer’s dream.
Networks such as Twitter allow a brand to carefully monitor its image across the internet landscape and determine how best to combat bad press and cultivate positive relationships with consumers. Arguably more so than any other platform, Twitter allows an organization to develop its image with an unstructured, unscripted air, which is why many consumers appreciate it when CEOs and business managers actively use the social media network.
MediaBistro claims that 78 percent of consumers respondents believe CEOs participating on social media leads to better communication, 71 percent believe the interaction improves brand image and 64 percent claim that the use of social media offers greater brand transparency.
As lead generation marketing methods go, Twitter aptly allows a CEO to put on a variety of different hats and answer to the consumer base. CEOs could release product or service information, news of business developments or even funny videos to show off their personalities and provide a window into the decision making process of key industry leaders.