A little bit afraid? How about a lot? It’s exhausting. And add to that the daily boring duties that come with starting companies. All those things you have to do to keep a business running before it gets big enough to hire people to fill out the rest of the C-Suites. I just spent an hour and a half trying to find a notary because my business license needed renewal. And yes, I was the ONLY one who could sign it.
While I can’t guarantee you can completely cure the entrepreneurial blues, here are some tips to help strengthen your entrepreneurial immune system.
- Seek mentorship. When I say mentorship, I mean meet up with other people just like you. Yes, even in similar industries. I work in social media and PR and I actively seek out colleagues with similar business structures. I don’t view them as my competitors but my compadres. Hearing how they deal with the everyday challenges, sharing best practices heartens me. If you aren’t comfortable meeting with folks in your line of work, find parallel business entrepreneurs and talk to them.
- Take out a new page in your notebook. Whether your to-do list is in Evernote or on post-it notes, start a new page. Sometimes the very act of reordering priorities and abandoning to-do’s that never seem to get done can make all the difference in the world.
- Go outside, get wet, get dirty, get sweaty. Spending time in nature or exercising really does invigorate people in business. Ecotherapy, the very act of being in nature can cure all sorts of depressive symptoms.http://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/383642/nature-deficit-disorder/.
- Go back to your roots. Ask yourself: why did I started this business in the first place? Chances are there was some passion that drove you to launch the business. Look at your day and see how much time of the day is devoted to that passion. If it’s not enough, really drill down and see how you can rearrange your time to make sure you are doing what you love.
- Look at the low hanging fruit. Entrepreneurs are by and large big-picture thinkers. Who else would be foolish enough to throw away the security of a paycheck and benefits for the unknown of launching a new business. We can get overwhelmed by the grand thinking we ourselves so adore. Find one small thing that will move your business forward. Get it done. The satisfaction of completing that one task may propel you to greater achievements.
And last but not least. You are not alone. I carefully define my entrepreneurial malaise, whether it be staff challenges, business development conundrums or something in the organizational arena. More often then not, my Google search brings me back to my home base or all things business. Cox Blue!
- 5 Tips For Curing Entrepreneurial Burnout - April 28, 2015