While writing your own blog is beneficial for marketing your business, it might not generate as much exposure as guest blogging. The practice might not seem particularly helpful because it doesn’t add any content to your site. Instead, you’ll be writing articles and giving them to an administrator to post at his or her discretion.
The time and effort necessary to create engaging posts for another website are worthwhile in the long run. Guest blogging can enhance your online credibility, help you generate new leads and increase traffic to your website.
Becoming a thought leader
An internal blog can help you earn credibility, but many consumers won’t view your content as trustworthy. Readers can easily differentiate between valuable articles and promotional posts. The latter is usually dismissed outright while people continue searching for the former. When you create new posts for your own website, customers usually believe that you’re trying to increase your marketing efforts or enhance your search engine optimization value.
The Search Engine Journal Explains that guest blogging can help you increase your credibility among an online audience. When you publish content a reputable site or an industry blog, readers will think that you’re making a substantive contribution to a conversation instead of merely promoting your business.
Start by researching various websites that focus exclusively on your market or have a core readership that’s similar to your customer base. Once you start to develop a reputation as a thought leader, try submitting articles to heavily trafficked sites like the Huffington Post or the American Express OPEN Forum to reach a wider audience.
Generating leads
Your loyal customers are likely the only people who read your company’s blog. While some consumers might access your page after searching for a particular topic in Google, few of them will likely become clients simply after reading one post. As a result, your blog likely isn’t the best lead generation tool that you have in your arsenal.
Guest blogging, on the other hand, can help you reach consumers who were previously completely unaware of your brand. According to Small Business Trends, the marketing tactic can increase exposure and introduce your company to new audiences.
This a great way to find potential customers because you won’t be marketing to your current clients. Find a blog or website that has a large following to ensure that your new posts will expose your brand to potential customers.
Increasing traffic
Under30CEO points out that guest blogging can also boost traffic on your own website. Include links to your site so readers can easily find your content and research your business. This will help bring new leads directly to you, and some of them may become customers.
All in all, guest blogging is a strong tactic that can help your business reach unprecedented levels of success. By creating content for another website, you can strengthen sales. Do you think guest blogging is beneficial? If so, how did you get started with the strategy?