As a business owner, you have likely heard about the importance of managing a professional blog associated with your website. Publishing regular content can help build an extensive library of information that your customers may find beneficial when searching for information pertaining to your products or services. While thinking of marketing strategies for small business blogs, you might come to realize you can post a wide array of content types to your website and generate responses from broader demographics.
Whether you stick to the written word, include infographics and video or implement interactive media, you need to make sure you speak with authority and offer educational information to your readers. Posting articles just to fill gaps of space on the web isn’t helpful for you or the reader, and Google will certainly punish you for any misguided or inconsistent web spam you may inadvertently publish.
However, one practice that many professionals have shied away from recently is guest posting, which, for whatever reason, has garnered a bad reputation. In part, people may shy away from guest posting due to recent Google algorithm updates. These types of posts were once simple ways to produce linkbacks to websites, but many professionals failed to implement links cautiously, thus creating a significant amount of spam leading back their web page. When these links weren’t from credible or relevant websites, the connection was punishable under Google Penguin. Therefore, if guest posting, make sure the author is credible and the appropriate coding is in place so he or she can lend credence to your blog.
Think of guest posting as a brand building process. If you work with leading professionals in your field, and they agree to offer their services to your blog, make sure what they write and their reputation is communicated through the written word. When an author who typically contributes to websites like The New York Times or The Boston Globe agrees to produce an original article for your blog, make sure you credit them using the new rel=author code unveiled by Google.
The rel=author feature connects a picture of the author to a link to the article on the search engine results page (SERP). If it is a popular author, his or her face may be recognizable enough to drive traffic to your website, and the rel=author code also measures the popularity of the writings of the author. If he or she had significant social responses to articles in the past, whether on your blog or in major online publications, Google may reward the writer’s recent posts by ranking them higher on the web.
When managing a blog, make sure you understand how guest posts can improve your website’s rankings and credibility.
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