How A WiFi Connected Business Can Give You A Competitive Advantage

How A WiFi “Connected Business”  Can Give You A Competitive Advantage – 14 Stats and Tips  See full-size pdf

Connected Business Infographic



  1. By 2020, it is predicted that 24 billion devices will be connected to the Internet. The vast majority will use some form of wireless for access.
  1. 50% of consumers feel comfortable making a large purchase in-store if Wi-Fi access is available.
  1. There will be three networked devices per person by 2019
  1. 60% of Millennials rank free WiFi as their favorite hotel perk and don’t view it as an optional extra that should be paid for. Charging for hotel WiFi can be brand suicide with millennials,
  1. Require customers to enter personal data about themselves, like email address, name or phone number, when they get on your Wi-Fi or workspace, and you can target these customers with special marketing offers or discounts (I will change the wording on this)
  1. 28% of retailers report that customer loyalty increased due to deploying in-store customer WiFi
  1. 19% of all in-store conversions are influenced by mobile and that when consumers use mobile devices in-store, they are more likely to convert.
  1. A connected workspace at your business attracts customers who want, or need to stay productive. WiFi is no longer considered an amenity – It is an expectation of today’s consumers.
  1. As many as 62% of businesses pointed out that the customers spend more time in their facility or shop if WiFi access is offered.
  1. As many as 72% of brick-and-mortar shoppers regularly use mobile devices to research products in-store.
  1. You can enhance the entertainment value of your customer waiting area by strategically matching the television programming to your customers’ interests. An accounting firm can target client interest by featuring news headlines and stock numbers. A hair salon could feature beauty programming or how-to tips. An auto repair shop can entertain customers and help pass the time.
  1. According to the 2015 Cox Consumer Pulse on Small Businesses, 20% of those surveyed said that small businesses can provide better customer service by providing free WiFi in their establishments for patrons.
  1. According to the latest research, people in the U.S. check their Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts a staggering 17 times a day, meaning at least once every waking hour, if not more.
  1. In 2016, US adults will spend an average of 3 hours and 8 minutes per day on mobile devices, excluding voice activities.

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