Why World Backup Day Is The Best Holiday For Your Business

How much of your company’s data is stored electronically?

This is not a rhetorical question. Really. Stop and think about it. Accounting records? Marketing databases? Client contracts?

“Whether you’re the head of a large corporation or a one man operation, if you’re not making data management a priority, you’re setting your business up for disaster”.
How many man hours have you spent creating all of those documents?

Now, imagine all of those hours of work gone in a matter of seconds.

Well, That’s Depressing

Sorry for the buzzkill, friends. But here’s the truth. At some point, something is going to happen that compromises your company’s electronic files. So if you aren’t properly backing up your business data? Everything that you’ve spent years building could be gone in an instant.

Luckily, there’s a new holiday around the corner that aims to make backing up your data just a little more fun. In honor of World Backup Day on March 31st, let’s all make a pact to secure our electronic files and implement a data management plan for our futures.

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